
Undergraduate Courese

Regulations on Credits of Elementary Japanese to be Waived (Revision: 2021.10.04)
  • Students who have passed JLPT N1 in either old or new system before academic year 2012 can hand in application of Elementary Japanese to be Waived within 2 weeks before the semester starts. However, they need to take extra 8 credits of elective courses in our department. Students who have already got the credits of Elementary Japanese are not allowed to hand in this application.
  • Students who have passed JLPT N1 in either old or new system before academic year 2011 can hand in application of Elementary Japanese to be Waived within 2 weeks before the semester starts. However, they need to take extra 8 credits of elective courses in our department. Students who have already got the credits of Elementary Japanese are not allowed to hand in this application.
  • In the following cases, if a student has passed four semesters of Japanese I and II, he/she can get 8 credits of Elementary Japanese. Applications must be submitted within two weeks before the start of the semester.
    • Foreign students who are double majored in Japanese.
    • Transfer students who are transferring to the Department of Japanese Language and Literature.
    • Re-exam students who are currently enrolled in our department and have attended another department in our school before. Students must apply for credit waiver.
    • Students from other department who are double majored in Japanese and decide to leave their original department and graduate from the our department.
Regulations on Shifting Classes of Required Courses in Our Department
  • First grade students in undergraduate program are not allowed to shift their classes for any reason.
  • Students in second grade or above may be allowed to shift classes with the agreement from instructors in the two classes due to the reason of being transfer student, double major, minor, or those who need to retake the course due to the failure in last semester but now facing the problem of time conflict. Students can shift the classes by hand in the “Agreement on Shifting Classes of Required Courses in DJLL” with the confirmation given by the instructors.

    Agreement on Shifting Classes of Required Courses in DJLL:Download