
Specialty Fields (Since 2022)

The objectives for each of the three specialty fields in our department are as follows

    The module of the specialty field in Japanese Literature and Culture aims to cultivate professionals with humanistic competency and independent thinking skills through the understanding and appreciation of Japanese literature and culture, as well as an understanding of Japanese national conditions and a broad international perspective. Courses in this module are general education courses that includes “Japanese Culture (1)(2)”, “History of Japanese Literature (1)”, courses of basic appreciation of literature that includes “Readings in Japanese Literary Masterpieces (2)”, and courses of literature seminar that includes “Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature (1)”, and “Readings in Classical Japanese Literature (1)”, with totally 5 courses in 13 credits. The courses cover Japanese literature and culture from ancient times to modern times, and provides a comprehensive study of Japanese literature and culture in a comprehensive manner. The number of credits is listed in the table below.
Name of the CourseCreditsCredits in Total
Japanese Culture (1)213
Japanese Culture (2)2
History of Japanese Literature (1)3
Readings in Japanese Literary Masterpieces(2)2
Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature (1)2
Readings in Classical Japanese Literature(1)2

  First of all, as the fundamental course of Japanese Literature and Culture, we have selected “Japanese Culture (1)(2)”as the guide for students to learn the historical changes and the context of Japan society. Meanwhile, by studying the advanced course of “History of Japanese Literature (1)”, students will be able to understand the development, features, and important philosophy of the modern Japanese Literature. By learning so, students may build the basic understanding toward Japanese Literature and to deepen the study of the knowledge of those literary works in different period.

  Through the introduction courses, we arrange students take the course of “Readings in Japanese Literary Masterpieces” to understand the authors’ life, and the background of that era. By analyzing the texts step by step, students will learn the way to appreciate the works in different schools.

  After learning the basic method to analyze the literary works, students will take “Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature (1)”to learn more about the difference between oral and literary form in Japanese, as well as the difference among all the types of writing. They will need to comprehend the attentive and mild expression in Japanese, so as to realize how the modern literature styles are influenced among the authors from China, Taiwan and Japan. In addition, through text analysis and group discussions in the course, students will gain insight into problematic points, train their analytical skills, and strengthen their teamwork spirit. On the other hand, in order to strengthen students' ability to interpret classical literature, we offer the course " Readings in Classical Japanese Literature ", which begins with the identification of textual notation and part of speech, then goes into progresses to the study of classical grammar, and furtherly reads classical literature and analyzes the beauty of Japanese classical literature.

Level 1 General Theory Foundation Course

●Japanese Culture (1) (2)

Students will learn about the historical changes and the overall social and cultural context of Japan from ancient times to modern times.

Level 2 Advanced General Theory Course

●History of Japanese Literature(1)

Students will study the history, characteristics, and important literary ideas of pre-modern Japanese literature, and construct a basic knowledge of Japanese literature, so as to help to build up the foundation for the study of Japanese literature.

Level 3 Fundamental Literary Works Appreciation Course

●Readings in Japanese Literary Masterpieces (2)

Students will learn how to appreciate the works of writers in various genres by learning about their lives, the background of their times, and the steps to actually read and analyze the texts of their works.

Level 4 Courses of Literature Seminar

●Readings in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature (1)

Through text reading and analysis, students will learn about the differences between spoken Japanese and literary expressions and the differences among different genres, as well as to learn the unique features of Japanese expressions such as those expressed in subtlety and euphemism, as well as the interaction and mutual influence between modern Japanese and Taiwanese or Chinese literati. Through text analysis and group discussions, students will gain insight into problematic points, develop analytical skills, and strengthen teamwork.

●Readings in Classical Japanese Literature (1)

Beginning with the identification of written notation and types of words and phrases, the course progresses to the study of classical grammar, followed by reading classical literature and analyzing and discussing the beauty of classical Japanese literature.

Expected Learning Benefits:

  The purpose of Module of the Specialty Field in Japanese Literature and Culture is to strengthen students' learning of theories and professional knowledge related to Japanese literature and culture, and to learn the relevance of literary works to contemporary historical, social, and cultural contexts through the process of text interpretation and analysis in the course. Furthermore, through this process, students will be able to reflect on contemporary social phenomena and explore the essence of Japanese culture. Moreover, through the interactive and comprehensive reports given by each small group, students will learn to observe and understand things from various perspectives and develop the ability to analyze and discern as well as a broad perspective.

  After taking this Module of the Specialty Field, students may continue to pursue academic research in Japanese literature and culture or in the comparison of Chinese, Japanese, and Taiwanese literature, or engage in practical applications such as literary education and communication, and literary creation and editing. This systematic curriculum planning and professional study will help students understand the context and dynamics of Japanese society and culture, and enhance their understanding of the country Japan as a preparation for entering the workplace, so that they can apply their knowledge and expertise in their future academic research and career paths.

    The goal of the module of the specialty field in Japanese Language Education is to cultivate human resources who are capable of research and analysis in Japanese linguistics and practical application of Japanese language teaching. Therefore, this course is designed to focus on the study of Japanese language theory and language education. The following 5 courses are offered in totally 13 credits: " Japanese Syntax (2) " as basic language knowledge course, “Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (1), (2)" as language theory course and "Introduction to Japanese Language Education" as educational theory course, and " Japanese Course Design and Teaching Practice " and " Practical Japanese Communication " as teaching practice courses.
Name of the CourseCreditsCredits in Total
Japanese Syntax (2)313
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (1)2
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (2)2
Introduction to Japanese Language Education2
Japanese Course Design and Teaching Practice2
Practical Japanese Communication2

  First of all, as a basic language theory course, " Japanese Syntax (2)" is selected to provide students with a complete study of the concepts of Japanese lexis (words) and syntax (sentences), to develop a basic grammatical framework of the Japanese language, and to enhance the correctness of Japanese usage at the same time.

  Secondly, the language theoretical courses are " Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (1), (2)" and " Introduction to Japanese Language Education". "This course is designed to provide a foundation for the study of Japanese linguistics and to reinforce basic linguistic and logical concepts in order to develop the ability to analyze and study Japanese language and to develop the ability to use Japanese language in teaching.

  After building a theoretical foundation in Japanese linguistics, students may take the course " Introduction to Japanese Language Education" to learn the history, background knowledge, and theoretical framework of Japanese language education. In the practical course of " Japanese Course Design and Teaching Practice ", students will learn about various types of foreign language teaching methods, the use of teaching materials and aids, and the design of assessment tests, and practice teaching in the classroom. In addition, in order to strengthen students' abilities in writing letters, organizing contents, oral expressions, and presentation skills, the practical application course " Practical Japanese Communication " is offered, which can be applied to academic research and presentation, as well as Japanese writing and oral expressions in various workplaces.

Level 1 Basic Language Knowledge Course

●Japanese Syntax (2)

This course provides students with a complete conceptual study of Japanese lexis (words) and syntax (sentences), and fosters the development of a basic grammatical framework for the Japanese language, while enhancing the correctness of Japanese usage.

Level 2: Basic Language Theory Course

●Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (1), (2)

Students will learn the basic theories related to the nature of Japanese language, such as phonetics and phonology, script, vocabulary, grammar, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics, and strengthen basic linguistic logic concepts to develop the ability to analyze and research Japanese language and to build the ability to use Japanese language in teaching.

Level 3: Educational Theory Course

●Introduction to Japanese Language Education

Students will learn the history, background knowledge, and theoretical framework of Japanese language education.

Level 4: Practical Application Course

●Japanese Course Design and Teaching Practice

Students will learn various types of foreign language teaching methods, the use of teaching materials and aids, and the design of assessments and tests, as well as carrying out specific teaching practices in the classroom to strengthen the link between theory and practical application.

●Practical Japanese Communication

Students will be trained in letter writing, content organization, oral presentation, and presentation skills, which can be applied to academic research presentations and oral presentation in Japanese in the workplace.

Expected Learning Benefits:

  The purpose of the module of the specialty field in Japanese Language Education is to strengthen students' learning of theories and professional knowledge related to Japanese linguistics and Japanese education, and to integrate theory and practice through practical application courses such as " Japanese Course Design and Teaching Practice " and " Practical Japanese Communication". These courses are designed to help students apply what they have learned in a variety of complex linguistic contexts, to translate their acquired knowledge into concrete practical applications, and to develop the ability to investigate and discover, to think and analyze, and to solve problems.

  After taking the courses in this module, students may continue to pursue academic research in Japanese linguistics and Japanese education, or engage in practical applications of Japanese language teaching and workplaces that Japanese communication is necessary after graduation. This systematic curriculum and professional study will help students to develop their strengths and apply their knowledge in the future academic research field and in the practical workplace of Japanese language teaching.

  The Module of the Specialty Field in Japanese Translation aims to cultivate multilingual talents with professional Japanese translation skills, an understanding of Japanese national conditions and a broad international perspective. Therefore, this course is designed to focus on practical translation training courses, such as translation and interpretation, to deepen students' language skills and acquire professional knowledge of translation for application in different fields of translation practice. We offer seven courses: "Japanese Translation (I) (1)(2) " as basic Japanese translation course, " Japanese Translation (II) (1)(2)" as advanced Japanese translation course, “Japanese Interpretation (1)(2)” as practical Japanese translation course, and “Japanese-English Translation (I)” as applied Japanese translation course. All the 7 courses included are totally in 14 credits.
Name of the CourseCreditsCredits in Total
Japanese Translation (I) (1) 214
Japanese Translation (I) (2) 2
Japanese Translation (II) (1) 2
Japanese Translation (II) (2) 2
Japanese Interpretation (I) 2
Japanese Interpretation (II) 2
Japanese-English Translation (I) 2

  basic Japanese translation course " Japanese Translation (I) (1) and (2) "focus on practice in Japanese translation. Through trial translations of various types of texts, such as fairy tales, short articles in magazines and journals, and literary works, students will learn how to translate Japanese texts with special expressions and improve the correctness of their understanding. These courses provide students with an in-depth understanding of the unique characteristics of the Japanese language, the differences between Chinese and Japanese language expressions and cultures, and further develop basic translation skills in Japanese translation.

  The advanced Japanese translation course such as " Japanese Translation (II) (1) and (2)" focus on the practice of Chinese to Japanese translation. Through the trial translation of various types of Chinese to Japanese materials such as reports, short magazine articles, and essays, students will learn the correct expression of Japanese and develop their professional translation skills in Chinese to Japanese.

  The practical Japanese translation course " Japanese Interpretation (1) " will sequentially teach the techniques for consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting between Chinese and Japanese. It will also provide actual repeated practice using scenarios such as speeches and banquet addresses through text drafts and videos to cultivate practical operational skills.

  The Japanese Translation Applied Course " Japanese Interpretation (2) " covers short phrases, conference speeches, and various social issues in videos. Students will use a professional interpreting classroom to practice consecutive and simultaneous interpreting gradually. “Japanese-English Translation (I)”as applied Japanese translation course is one of the special features of the Department's translation series. It is designed to strengthen students' English and Japanese language skills through English and Japanese translation practice, and to provide students with an in-depth understanding of English and Japanese language expressions and cultural differences, so as to cultivate multilingual translation talents with an international perspective, which can be applied to various fields such as the workplace and academic research in the future.

Level 1 Basic Japanese Translation Course

●Japanese Translation (I) (1) (2)

Students will learn how to translate from Japanese to Chinese through various types of trial translations and special expressions, and gain an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the Japanese language, the differences between Chinese and Japanese language expressions and cultures, and develop basic translation skills.

Level 2 Advanced Japanese Translation Course

●Japanese Translation (II) (1) (2)

Students will learn the correct expression of Japanese through various types of trial translations and gain an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the Japanese language, the differences between Chinese and Japanese language expressions and cultures, and further develop their professional skills in Chinese to Japanese translation.

Level 3 Practical Japanese Translation Course

●Japanese Interpretation (1)

We will systematically teach the techniques of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation between Chinese and Japanese, and practice them repeatedly with actual speech transcripts and videos from various situations such as speeches and banquet speeches, in order to develop practical operational skills.

Level 4 Applied Japanese Translation Course

●Japanese Interpretation (2)

The teaching materials cover videos of short phrases, speeches at meetings, and various social issues. Utilizing a professional interpreting classroom, students engage in applied practice of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.

●Japanese-English Translation (I)

Through English-Japanese translation practice, students will strengthen their English-Japanese language skills, understand the differences between English and Japanese language expressions and cultures, and cultivate multilingual translation talents.

Expected Learning Benefits:

  The purpose of this module is to deepen students' language skills and acquire professional knowledge of translation through practical training courses such as "Translation" and "Interpretation". In addition, through translation training, students will explore the possibilities and limits of translation between different languages, recognize the close relationship between language and culture, and understand the differences between Chinese and Japanese language contexts and cultures, so as to cultivate multilingual talents who truly know Japan and have a broad international perspective.

  After taking the courses in this module, students will be equipped with professional knowledge and ability in Japanese translation, and will be able to contribute to cultural exchange and knowledge dissemination in various fields of society, whether they pursue further education or employment after graduation.