
Submission Rules (Guidelines)

  • Qualifications: Anyone engaged in Japanese linguistics (including Japanese language teaching), Japanese literature, or Japanese cultural studies is eligible to submit manuscripts. One manuscript per person is allowed, and no double submissions are allowed.
  • Content: We accept every unpublished article that are relevant to Japanese Linguistics (including Japanese Education), Japanese Literature, and Japanese Culture (except for Social Science), written in Japanese only. Articles that are rewritten from thesis and
  • ormat, numbers of copies, and the examination fee:
    ■Horizonal writing in A4 sized Word manuscript
    ■2000 NTD for the examination fee should be submitted by registered mail envelope for sending cash.
      • Please arrangethe following contents in order, within 30 words x 30 lines x 30 pages (including Chinese, English, and Japanese abstract).
        • ●Abstract that includes title, Nameof the author, affiliation and key words in Chinese, English, and Japanese (5 at most)
        • ○Main text (including the charts)、○Reference List (which refers to the prior studies cited in the main text of the paper, including footnotes) and research data should be listed according to the specified format after the main text; do not include those not cited in the main text.)
      • ※ Please avoid listing the author’s name, affiliation, and all the information related to the author. In addition, acknowledgement should not be put into the main text when during examination period.
      • ※ Please send electronic files to ntujpstudies@gmail.com, with the title of“ NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature Vol. __” .

    • Please write down the title of the paper, the name of the author, his or her affiliation, title, and contact information (address, phone, fax, e-mail). If the paper is co-authored, please clearly state the contact representative. Please obtain the permission in written form from the original author or publisher of the manuscript for the copyrighted part of the manuscript. We do not charge in the responsibility of anything related to copyright.
    • The copyright permission form (two copies in English and two copies in Chinese) can be found on the department’s publication website. 
  • Recipient: Department of Japanese Language and Literature, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106319, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (The manuscripts will not be returned no matter it is published or not. Therefore, please have a backup for your own reference.)
  • Examination: In principle, the Editorial Board will be constituted of experts from both our department and outside school. All the manuscripts will be examined by the editorial board members during the period of preliminary review. If the article is passed, three experts from relevant research fields will decide whether to publish it or not during the period of secondary review. There will be three results of the examination: 1. Published 2. Published and Fixed 3. Unpublish .若審查結果經判定為修改後刊登者,需另填交審查意見修正回覆表。
  • Our journals will be published on June 30th and December 31st , two volumes each year. The deadline for each volume is on March 31st and September 30th . Examination to the contribution will be put off to next volume if it is not able to catch the time of the deadline.
  • Author of the published article will receive 20 copies of the offprints and 3 volumes of the journal instead of
  • Reprinting of the articles published in our journal without the allowance is forbidden.
  • This journal is published by National Taiwan University Press. Except for releasing the hard copy version, it will also be embodied in our data base established by National Taiwan University Press. Agreeing with the policy of electronic publishing is necessary to pass the examination.