
NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature

“NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature” Announcement for Vol. 48

We are now welcome every call of papers for “NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature, Vol. 48” published by Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University, which is recognized to be the first rank of THCI from 2016 to 2023 by Ministry of Science and Technology (planned to be released in the end of December 2024). We sincerely appreciate to receive any piece of works that are relevant to the field of the research.

If you would like your work be published on Vol.48, please send your contribution to us by Monday September 30(date of postmark serves as proof).

For detailed information about submission format and rules, please see the attachment files Submission Rules And Submission Format

If there is any question, please contact us through email ntujpstudies@gmail.com, or by phone during afternoons on Monday to Friday.

Copyright License Agreement of Journal Articles for National Taiwan University




Latest journal bibliography

NO.47 JUN 2024
NO.46 DEC 2023