National Taiwan University Hope and Sail Scholarship for The Academic Year 2023
  • Eligibility: Students who have passed the selection process of exchange students and are expected to go abroad for one semester or one academic year (excluding in-service and dual degree students) in the academic year 2023 and meet any of the following criteria:
    1. Economically disadvantaged students (students of ROC Nationality)
      (1) Those who hold low-income household, medium-low income household, and special circumstances family certificates issued by the government of our country.
      (2) The total family income meets all of the following requirements:
        a. The total family income for the whole year does not exceed NT$800,000 (New Taiwan Dollars, the same below).
        b. The annual interest income of the family does not exceed NT$10,000.
        c. The annual business income of the family does not exceed NT$50,000.
    2. Culturally disadvantaged students (students of the Republic of China nationality):
      (1) Students from three generations of families who have not attended college, such as great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents.
      (2) New immigrants and their children, such as students who are new immigrants themselves or whose parents are new immigrants.
      (3) Indigenous people.
      (4) Those who meet any of the above three criteria, and the total family income must also meet all of the following requirements:
        a. The total family income for the whole year does not exceed NT$1,200,000 (New Taiwan Dollars, the same below).
        b. The annual interest income of the family does not exceed NT$10,000.
        c. The annual business income of the family does not exceed NT$50,000.
    3. students who are with Non-Republic of China nationality but hold a certificate of poverty, low-income household, or tax exemption issued by a government agency in their country of nationality in 2022.
  • Number of awards: 1.
  • Amount of award: It will be handled according to the scholarship amount table of National Taiwan University's " Hope and Sail Scholarship" and for countries where the exchange schools are not listed on the table, it will be separately determined by the Office of International Affairs.
  • Application method: Please submit the "Student Personal Information Form" and relevant supporting documents to the second office of the College of Liberal Arts (Room 245) before March 13, 2023.
  • The Office of International Affairs will notify the scholarship recipient by email before April 15, 2023.
  • Regulations for Receiving Scholarships:
    1. Each student may apply for multiple study abroad scholarships at the same time, including those obtained through recommendation or submission by this school or exchange schools, but only one of them may be received.
    2. The priority order for receiving each study abroad scholarship is as follows:
      (1) Ministry of Education's Study Abroad Treasure Plan
      (2) Exchange school scholarships
      (3) Scholarships limited to specific countries, regions, or fields.
    4. If a student is concurrently awarded this scholarship and any of the above three types of scholarships, including the National Taiwan University Study Abroad Exchange Student Scholarship and the National Taiwan University Hope and Sail Scholarship, and if the amount of that scholarship is higher than the other scholarship, the student may hold the relevant certificate and, after approval by the Office of International Affairs, receive the difference from this scholarship.
  • Obligations of Scholarship Recipients:
    1. Scholarship recipients and their guarantors must sign an administrative contract with the university one month before departing for abroad, and must comply with the provisions of the contract. Failure to sign the contract will result in the inability to receive the scholarship.
    2. Scholarship recipients must provide personal bank account information for the scholarship funds to be deposited. If the donation source specifies a bank, scholarship recipients must provide the designated bank account information.
    3. During the study period at the host institution, scholarship recipients must participate in activities organized by the host institution, actively promote National Taiwan University and various student exchange programs. After the exchange period, scholarship recipients must participate in the annual education fair held by the Office of International Affairs, to introduce the host institution and share their overseas learning experiences.
    4. Within three months after the start of the exchange program, scholarship recipients must submit a statement of their study and living arrangements for reference by the donating institution.
    5. Within two months after the end of the exchange program, scholarship recipients must submit a report on their learning experience, formal course records and transcripts, and other required documents. Failure to submit these documents will result in the scholarship being fully repaid to the university within three months after the end of the exchange period.
    6. If scholarship recipients drop out, take a leave of absence, do not return to complete their studies, or fail to comply with the agreed-upon exchange period and return early, they must repay the full amount of the scholarship to the university within two months after the end of the exchange period.
    7. Scholarship eligibility is cancelled immediately for those who are not admitted to the host institution or who do not enroll on time.
  • In the event of natural disasters, wars, strikes, riots, epidemics, or other force majeure or circumstances beyond the control of the University, which result in the inability or delay of exchange programs, and affect the rights and interests of scholarship recipients, the Office of International Affairs reserves the right to take appropriate measures to handle the situation.
  • Any unresolved matters shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations and announcements by the Office of International Affairs.
Last Updated: 2023-02-15 14:45:38