HomeScholarship / Application for the "Qian Siliang Scholarship" for the Academic Year of 2023
Application for the "Qian Siliang Scholarship" for the Academic Year of 2023

I. Eligibility:
1. Undergraduates in their 2nd year and above, as well as first-year graduate students from National Taiwan University. This does not include those who have extended their studies, withdrawn, dropped out, or second-year (and above) graduate students.
2. Achieved a GPA of 3.38 (or 80%) or above in the Academic Year of 2022 without failing any subject and with no record of misconduct.
3. Students who have previously received this scholarship during their time at the university are ineligible.

II. Number of Awardees: 2

III. Scholarship Amount: NTD 30,000 in full.

IV. Application Procedure: Submit your application documents to the College of Liberal Art’s Second Office (Room 245) by October 18th, 2023, and send digital copies to

V. Required Documents:
1. Application form.
2. "Qian Siliang Scholarship" applicant's agreement and declaration form.
3. Official transcript for the Academic Year of 2022 (including both first and second semesters).
4. Official ranking certification for the Academic Year of 2022.
5. Official disciplinary record.
6. Household registration of the applicant's family within the last 3 months.
7. Official low or mid-low income certification from the government. If not available, please provide the income statement for 2022 from the National Taxation Bureau. Everyone, regardless of student status or employment, will have an income statement. Photocopies must have the National Taxation Bureau 's stamp or watermark. Self-copied or reference data for tax filing is not accepted. The list should include the applicant, their parents, spouse, children, unmarried siblings, married siblings living together, and grandparents from both paternal and maternal sides living in the same household or co-living.

VI. Additional details can be found in the announcements from the Student Assistant Division of the university.

Last Updated:2023-09-22 08:59:22