Application for the NTU Japanese Department Alumni Sustainable Scholarship.

Target: Undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in the Department of Japanese Language and Literature at the College of Liberal Arts, National Taiwan University. Applicants must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above in the previous academic year, and have no record of disciplinary action. Priority will be given to students who have excellent academic performance and come from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

Amount and number of scholarships: There are a total of 8 quotas of this scholarship, including 2 for graduate students and 6 for undergraduate students in the department. Each applicant may receive NT$5,000.

Application Documents: Applicants are required to submit the following documents: Scholarship application form, transcript of academic records, certificate of awards and punishments (available for download from MYNTU portal: Student Area -> Personal Information -> Student Awards and Punishments Certificate), and proof of financial hardship (if available). One copy of each document is required.

Application Deadline: Please submit all application documents to the department office by 12:00 pm on Monday, April 10th.

Last Updated: 2023-03-22 15:42:32