"National Taiwan University Scholarship for Exchange Students" in Academic Year 2023
  • Eligibility: Students who have been selected and accepted by their department, college, or center for international affairs to participate in the exchange program during the 2023 academic year for one semester or one year (excluding students in professional programs and dual-degree programs).
  • Quota of the scholarship: 1 student.
  • Amount of scholarship: The scholarship amount will be determined according to the "National Taiwan University Scholarship for Exchange Students" table. If the exchange country is not listed in the table, the Office of International Affairs will determine the amount separately.
  • Application method: Please submit the "Student Personal Information Form" to the second office of the College of Liberal Arts (Room 245) before March 13, 2023.
  • The Office of International Affairs will notify the scholarship recipients by email before April 15, 2023.
  • Scholarship regulations:
    (a) Each student can apply for multiple study abroad scholarships at the same time, including those obtained through the recommendation or submission of applications by the university or the exchange school. However, only one scholarship can be accepted.
    (b) Priority order for receiving various study abroad scholarships:
    1. a. Ministry of Education's Study Abroad Treasure Plan
    2. b. Exchange school scholarships
    3. c. Scholarships limited to certain countries, regions, or fields
    4. d. NTU Exchange Student Scholarship, and NTU Hope and Sail Scholarship: If a student is awarded any of the above three scholarships, and the amount of this scholarship is higher than the other scholarship, the scholarship recipient may provide relevant proof and have it approved by the Director of the Office of International Affairs to receive the difference in scholarship amount.
  • Obligations of Awarded Students:
    (1) Awarded students and their guarantors must complete the administrative contract with our university one month before going abroad, and comply with the provisions of the contract. Failure to sign the contract will result in the inability to receive the scholarship.
    (2) Awarded students must provide their personal bank account information for the scholarship payment.
    (3) During the exchange period at the host institution, awarded students must participate in the activities held by the host institution and actively promote National Taiwan University and various student exchange programs. After the exchange period, they must also participate in the educational exhibition organized by the Office of International Affairs to introduce the host institution and share their overseas learning experiences.
    (4) Within two months after the end of the exchange period, awarded students must submit a report on their learning experience, official course records and transcripts, and other necessary documents for reimbursement. Failure to submit will result in the full repayment of the scholarship within three months after the end of the exchange period.
    (5) If awarded students withdraw, take a leave of absence, do not return to Taiwan to complete their studies, or do not comply with the agreed exchange period and return to Taiwan early, they must fully repay the scholarship within two months after the end of the exchange period.
    (6) Applicants who are not admitted or fail to enroll on time will have their scholarship eligibility canceled and cannot be retained.
  • In case of force majeure or events that are not attributable to our university, such as natural disasters, wars, strikes, civil unrest, epidemics, etc., which make it impossible or delay the exchange, affecting the scholarship payment, the Office of International Affairs reserves the right to handle contingency plans.
  • Any unfinished matters shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and announcements of the Office of International Affairs.
Last Updated: 2023-02-14 15:30:18