Number | Registration Number | Name | Time |
1 | 108150001 | 易 O | 09:30-09:39 |
2 | 108150002 | 張O禹 | 09:40-09:49 |
3 | 108150003 | 詹O蓁 | 09:50-09:59 |
4 | 108150004 | 蘇O庭 | 10:00-10:09 |
5 | 108150007 | 林O吟 | 10:10-10:19 |
6 | 108150008 | 柯O寧 | 10:20-10:29 |
Break Time | 10:30-10:49 |
7 | 108150011 | 劉O瑋 | 10:50-10:59 |
8 | 108150012 | 蘇O穎 | 11:00-11:09 |
9 | 108150013 | 秦O瑞 | 11:10-11:19 |
10 | 108150014 | 李O峯 | 11:20-11:29 |
11 | 108150015 | 徐O花 | 11:30-11:39 |
12 | 108150016 | 梁O茜 | 11:40-11:49 |
Date: March 17th(Sat.)
Location: Library Room 204 in Gallery of NTU History
1. Please register and submit the receipt of registration fee to Office of Department of Japanese Language and Literature in the first floor in Gallery of NTU History before the oral entrance exam starts.
2. Please check in 20 minutes early.