
Submission Format (For Paper Copy)

A4-sized paper, horizonal writing, manuscript in Docs file, within 30 words x 30 lines x 30 pages (including Chinese, English, and Japanese abstract)

Back margin: 2.54cm for top and bottom, 3.17cm for right and left.

※Please make sure with following format before completing your contribution.
Main contentsTitle
Windows Word
(Please type the filename in English.)
JP明朝/MS Minchoゴシック/MS Gothic
ENTimes New RomanArial
Num.Times New RomanArial
Sample for abstract
  English title
  Chinese title
  Japanese title
Sample for references
  • Key words and abstract in Chinese, English and Japanese (in the limit of one page for each)  
    (The author’s name and affiliation can only be shown on the registered manuscript.)
  • The main content (Take Japanese paper for example.)

    Title: 14 pt, font “Gothic”, center align

    Author’s name: 12pt, font “明朝体”, center align (for registered manuscript only)

    Main text (charts, footnotes, references, and recourses”

    Main text: 12pt, font “明朝体”.

    Footnotes: 10pt, font “明朝体”(please refer to the function “footnotes” in Word document”).

    Reference: 12pt, font “明朝体”.

    Resources: 12pt, font “明朝体”.

The following is the sample for abstract:

English Title (Arial, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (Times New Roman, 12pt) * (insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (Times New Roman, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the abstract (Times New Roman, 12pt)……………………………………………



 (triple space)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

 *Author’s affiliation and title (English) (Times New Roman, 10pt)

Chinese title (中黑體, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (新細明體, 12pt) *(insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (新細明體, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the abstract (新細明體, 12pt)……………………………………………



 (triple space)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

 *Author’s affiliation and title (新細明體, 10pt)

Japanese Title (MS Gothic, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (MS Mincho, 12pt) * (insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (MS Mincho, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the Abstract (MS Mincho, 12pt)……………………………………………



 (triple spcace)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

*Author’s affiliation and title (Japanese) (MS Mincho, 10pt)

The following is the sample for abstract:

English Title (Arial, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (Times New Roman, 12pt) * (insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (Times New Roman, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the abstract (Times New Roman, 12pt)…



 (triple space)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

 *Author’s affiliation and title (English) (Times New Roman, 10pt)

Chinese title (中黑體, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (新細明體, 12pt) *(insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (新細明體, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the abstract (新細明體, 12pt)…



 (triple space)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

 *Author’s affiliation and title (新細明體, 10pt)

Japanese Title (MS Gothic, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

Author’s name (MS Mincho, 12pt) * (insert the footnote here)

(double space)

Abstract (MS Mincho, 14pt, center align)

(double space)

  Content of the Abstract (MS Mincho, 12pt)…



 (triple spcace)

 Key words: (the first one) (the second one) (the third one) (the forth one) (the fifth one)

*Author’s affiliation and title (Japanese) (MS Mincho, 10pt)

Please add an extra blank line between the title of the article and the author’s name.

Please add an extra blank line between the author’s name and the main content.

Please type your title in font “Gothic体”, 12pt, and arrange the subitem with the following ord

First chapter, first section, first paragraph, ……→ I. A. (A) 1. (1) a. (a)

Please add a double space between only chapter and chapter.

Paragraphing and citing:

   For Chinese paper, please remain two blank spaces in the beginning of every first line in each paragraph, and three blank spaces in each line of citation.

   For Japanese paper, please remain one blank space in the beginning of every first line in each paragraph, and two blank spaces in each line of citation.

   Please do not add any extra blank line between citation and main text.

The titles in tables should be matched with the main content, remaining one double space in principle.

Reference (font “Gothic体”, 12pt.)

Content of the reference (font “明朝体”, 12pt.)

Please sort the names by alphabet abc or years for literature; for monograph, please sort the books by its author or editor’s name, year of publication, name of the book, edition, area of publishing, and publishing house; for paper, please sort it by the author, year of publication, title of the paper, journal, volume, area of publishing, publishing house, and pages. Collection of the theses is dealt with monograph accordingly.

The following is the sample for reference:



天野みどり(1990)「複主格文考」『日本語学』9-5、p.285-303 明治書院

天野みどり(1995)「「が」による倒置指定文―「特におすすめなのがこれです」という文について―」『新潟大学人文学研究』88 新潟大学