
Graduate Courese

Passed in the 3rd Departmental Meeting of the 2nd Semester of the 92nd Academic Year on May 12, 2004.
Article 1
These guidelines are established to regulate the interaction between thesis supervisors and graduate students.
Article 2
Graduate students should select a thesis supervisor (referred to as "supervisor" hereafter) within the designated period set by the department(s) or institute(s) and register with the department(s) or institute(s) by submitting a written consent form from the supervisor.
Article 3
In the event that a graduate student wishes to change their supervisor midway or the supervisor becomes unable to continue due to illness, resignation, or going abroad, the following two written documents must be prepared and approved by the department head (or institute director). If there is no violation of the department's (or institute's) relevant regulations, the change will take effect automatically ten days after the submission.

1.Declaration by the graduate student: The declaration states, "Without obtaining written consent from the original supervisor, the research results under the original supervisor's guidance cannot be used as the main content of the thesis." Two original copies of this declaration are required, one for the original supervisor and one to be kept in the department(s) or institute(s) office. The declaration should be delivered to the original supervisor within one week after approval by the department head (or institute director).

2.Written consent form from the new supervisor: In the case of changing the supervisor due to the original supervisor's death, the declaration mentioned in the first item is exempted.

Article 4
Graduate students who change their supervisor should submit a copy of their thesis manuscript to the original supervisor ten days before the thesis defense. If any dispute arises regarding the declaration, the original supervisor should file a complaint to the department(s) or institute(s) five days before the defense. Once a complaint is filed, the defense will be temporarily suspended, and the departmental meeting will make a ruling within one month.
Article 5
Under the conditions prescribed, if a graduate student has two or more supervisors, the term "supervisor" as mentioned in the preceding Articles 2 to 4 should include all the supervisors.
Article 6
When a supervisor voluntarily terminates the supervision relationship, they should report it to the department(s) or institute(s) in writing. The department(s) or institute(s) should notify the graduate student to apply for a change of supervisor according to the provisions in Article 3. The graduate student can request the department(s) or institute(s) to conduct an investigation to ensure their rights and interests.
Article 7
If a graduate student reaches the final semester of their prescribed period of study (8th semester for master's students) and meets the qualifications for applying for the thesis defense but fails to obtain the supervisor's consent to proceed with the defense, they can file a complaint to the department(s) or institute(s). After receiving the complaint, the department(s) or institute(s) should handle it according to their established procedures and notify the complaining graduate student of the results within one month in writing.
Article 8
If a graduate student changes their supervisor without following these guidelines, their examination scores for the degree will not be recognized.
Article 9
These guidelines shall be implemented after approval in the departmental meeting and also apply to any future amendments.